ATPL Theory (A)

Before you start theory training

You must hold a PPL(A)
Medical Class 2 with IR checked, but for CPL training exams a Class 1


Follow a 2 weeks theorical knowledge course
650 hours theory course

Before you take the training

Pass a examination of 14 subjects

6'500 CHF

10 days course on site
Courses materials
Registration to ATO Aerospeed

Registration until Start date End date
Septembre 2017

Exams can be presented in 6 sessions during 18 months
Your ATP theory is valid life-time with a valid IR rating
ATPL Theory covers CPL, IR and HPA theory


IR Theory (A)

Before you start theory training

PPL(A) with min. 50 hours PIC
Night rating (NIT)
Medical Class 2 with IR checked


Follow a 1 days 1/2 theoretical knowledge course
Study 150 hours

Before you take the training

Passed theoretical exam of 7 subjects.

2'950 CHF *

1 days 1/2 course on site
Courses materials
Registration to ATO Aerospeed

* 1'650 CHF si 4 élèves

Registration until Conditions Cours privés
Disponible en tout temps 4 élèves minimum Nous contacter
Training IR